Yes, You!
Have you been down the internet rabbit hole reading everything about health and wellness but you still can't beat the bloat, drop the weight, boost your energy, get the glowing skin or feel confident, just how you want to in your own body.
Yes, You!
The one who has read the entire internet and
“knows all the things” about wellness but still
can’t seem to beat the bloat, drop the weight,
boost the energy, get the glowing skin or
feel how you want to in your own body.
Yes, You!
The one who has read the entire internet and
“knows all the things” about wellness but still
can’t seem to beat the bloat, drop the weight,
boost the energy, get the glowing skin or
feel how you want to in your own body.
Yes, You!
The one who has read the entire internet and
“knows all the things” about wellness but still
can’t seem to beat the bloat, drop the weight,
boost the energy, get the glowing skin or
feel how you want to in your own body.
Yes, You!
Have you been down the internet rabbit hole reading everything about health and wellness but you still can't beat the bloat, drop the weight, boost your energy, get the glowing skin or feel confident, just how you want to in your own body.
READING wellness and gut-health content are NOT  
the same as INTEGRATING it.

And integrating can seem intimidating.

In a world that’s overwhelmed with aggressive DIY approaches and health hacks, finding lasting results can be challenging. 

The hard way (Saving and screenshotting wellness and gut health content), can actually set us back (because not implementing it gets us nowhere)

The easy way is partnering with someone who really does practice what they preach, helping you integrate into your life, body, and routine with ease.

And that’s exactly what I do in Clean Gut Detox!

A powerful FUNC MED PROGRAM that will help clean up the gut and gently support detox pathways— for a remarkable transformation* in JUST THREE WEEKS!

*people like you, who have gone through this program, have experienced better digestion, deeper sleeps, more energy, clothes fitting better, easier periods, glowing skin, and the ever so popular, no bloating!

In a world that’s overwhelmed with aggressive DIY approaches and health hacks, finding lasting results can be challenging. 

The hard way (Saving and screenshotting wellness and gut health content), can actually set us back (because not implementing it gets us nowhere).

The easy way is partnering with someone who really does practice what they preach, helping you integrate into your life, body and routine with ease.

And that’s exactly what I do in Clean Gut Detox!

A powerful FUNC MED PROGRAM that will help clean up the gut and gently support detox pathways— for a remarkable transformation* in JUST THREE WEEKS!

*people like you, who have gone through this program, have experienced better digestion, deeper sleeps, more energy, clothes fitting better, easier periods, glowing skin, and the ever so popular, no bloating!

What works for your best friend, your mother-in-law, your coworker, or that random influencer might NOT work for you in the same way.

(which is why you’re here, right?)

For the results you’re craving, you need a flexible road map that works WITH your unique bio-individuality, NOT against it.

More than that, you need a health partner, an educator AND a cheerleader.

At TMB we…

● Care just as much as you do about long-lasting results!
● Celebrate that you moved your body today!
● Break down the science and make it fun to implement and delicious to eat!

You’ve likely dabbled in some form of food elimination, calorie counting and/or exercise regime and the old school “hacks” that feel like running on the hamster wheel.

What you may not realize is that optimizing the gut and boosting these detox pathways with the help of a trusted expert will have you confidently stepping off that hamster wheel once and for all.

For the results you’re craving, you need a flexible road map that works WITH your unique bio-individuality, NOT against it.

More than that, you need a health partner, an educator, AND a cheerleader.

At TMB we…

● Care just as much as you do about long-lasting results!
● Celebrate that you moved your body today!
● Break down the science and make it fun to implement and delicious to eat!

You’ve likely dabbled in some form of food elimination, calorie counting and/or exercise regime and the old school “hacks” that feel like running on the hamster wheel.

What you may not realize is that optimizing the gut and boosting these detox pathways with the help of a trusted expert will have you confidently stepping off that hamster wheel once and for all.

When it comes to gut health 
is just one piece of the puzzle. 

Clean Gut Detox teaches you the Whole Health picture.
You also need to be surrounded by like-minded people, a community that is just as curious, dedicated, and inspired about moving the needle on their health as you are.

(So when your family or friends are “oh, come one, just have a cocktail”... You’ve got a support network to lean on!)

I hear you...
It feels like you've tried EVERYTHING? (And haven’t gotten ANYWHERE?)
If you:
  • You’ve followed the influencers & trends and tried aaaalllll the fad diets…
  • You’ve practitioner-hopped trying to find that one unicorn who’s actually going to help you solve all of your problems…
  • You’ve tried all of the PASSIVE things (taking a pill) without the ACTIVE things (mindset shifts, dietary changes, movement)
  • ​Done “the things” without consistency
  • Practitioner hopped constantly to find “THE” health unicorn who’s gonna solve all your problems
We get it, we’ve been there too — that’s why we can help you unleash your inner health expert!

We aim to empower YOU to celebrate the magic of your own body, instead of feeling “bad” every time you don’t eat “clean” according to those influencers ;)

And that’s where the Clean Gut Detox program comes in!
  • Bolster healthy gut function
  • Finally, ditch the chronic stress
  • Get a better night’s sleep - consistently!


We help you find your inner health expert with the following actionable plan and resources:
• Clean Gut Detox friendly recipes, grocery lists, and nutritional advice
• Foods to eat and to avoid based on your bio-individuality
• Gut optimization techniques and Chiropractor-designed movement sequences
• Videos and biohacks to seamlessly integrate new habits into your daily life
• Tools to reduce stress and enhance sleep quality
• Tips on choosing the right supplements for your body

“I finished my 21 days at last! Feel great; more energy, less aches and pains, more vitality, sleeping well, brighter mood… Spent the weekend with my husband and kids eating gluten, dairy, lots of sugar - oh wow, I felt back to square one almost!! But, I now have the tools to get back on track, so thank you Dr. Bhat!”

- Katherine Doke

“Spacing meals out with no snacking has been massive for me! I’ve got a bad cold at the mo, but even now I have way more energy, focus and get-up-and-go than a few weeks ago! After struggling to digest proper portions, I can eat twice my previous portion at proper meal times now! Feeling GOOD - yay!”

-Marlene Perry

TRUTH: you can’t just buy health.

However, you CAN invest in yourself - and your health - and the consistent support and accountability of the Clean Gut Detox Program.

Hi, I’m Dr. Bhat

And I’ve been where you are.

Do these sound familiar?

- Shopping for clothes that will ‘hide the bloat’
- Feeling like you always want to lose that last 10 lbs, but nothing changing
- Being told you ‘just have IBS’
- Working out more, eating less, with zero results
- Afternoon energy crashes
- Inconsistent sleep quality

Have you invested in a bunch of practitioners and tried ALL. THE. THINGS? I tried all that too!

My 12 years of experience as a clinician have allowed me to navigate this journey successfully, not only for myself but for thousands of patients.

You also need to be surrounded by like-minded people, a community that is just as curious, dedicated, and inspired about moving the needle on their health as you are.

(So when your family or friends are “oh, come one, just have a cocktail”... You’ve got a support network to lean on!)

I hear
 It feels like you've tried EVERYTHING? (And haven’t gotten ANYWHERE?)

● You’ve followed the influencers & trends and tried aaaalllll the fad diets…
● You’ve practitioner-hopped trying to find that one unicorn who’s actually going to help you solve all of your problems…
● You’ve tried all of the PASSIVE things (taking a pill) without the ACTIVE things (mindset shifts, dietary changes, movement)
● Done “the things” without consistency
● Practitioner hopped constantly to find “THE” health unicorn who’s gonna solve all your problems

We get it, we’ve been there too — that’s why we can help you unleash your inner health expert!

We aim to empower YOU to celebrate the magic of your own body, instead of feeling “bad” every time you don’t eat “clean” according to those influencers ;) 

And that’s where the Clean Gut Detox program comes in!
  • Bolster healthy gut function
  • Finally, ditch the chronic stress
  • Get a better night’s sleep - consistently!
We help you find your inner health expert with the following actionable plan and resources:

  • Clean Gut Detox friendly recipes, grocery lists and nutritional advice
  • ​ Foods to eat and to avoid based on your bio-individuality
  • ​Gut optimization techniques and Chiropractor-designed movement sequences
  • ​ Videos and biohacks to seamlessly integrate new habits into your daily life 
  • ​Tools to reduce stress and enhance sleep quality
  • ​ Tips on choosing the right supplements for your body

“I finished my 21 days at last! Feel great; more energy, less aches and pains, more vitality, sleeping well, brighter mood… Spent the weekend with my husband and kids eating gluten, dairy, lots of sugar - oh wow, I felt back to square one almost!! But, I now have the tools to get back on track, so thank you Dr. Bhat!”

- Katherine Doke

“Spacing meals out with no snacking has been massive for me! I’ve got a bad cold at the mo, but even now I have way more energy, focus and get-up-and-go than a few weeks ago! After struggling to digest proper portions, I can eat twice my previous portion at proper meal times now! Feeling GOOD - yay!”

-Marlene Perry

However, you CAN invest in yourself - and your health - and the consistent support and accountability of the Clean Gut Detox Program. 

TRUTH: you can’t just buy health.
Hi, I’m Dr. Bhat

And I’ve been where you are.
Do these sound familiar?

- Shopping for clothes that will ‘hide the bloat’
- Feeling like you always want to lose that last 10 lbs, but nothing changing
- Being told you ‘just have IBS’
- Working out more, eating less, with zero results
- Afternoon energy crashes
- Inconsistent sleep quality

Have you invested in a bunch of practitioners and tried ALL. THE. THINGS? 

I tried all that too!

My 12 years of experience as a clinician have allowed me to navigate this journey successfully, not only for myself but for thousands of patients.

My Clean Gut Detox 
Program Offers...
In the Clean Gut Detox Program, the simple, yet powerful lifestyle practices — including how to customize the healthiest plate for YOU, not your neighbor — will drastically improve your gut health.

If this is your first time going through the program, check out the SNEAK PEEK VIDEO (below) where I share 12 free wellness tips. Now picture this - along with Clean Gut Detox-specific content that will undoubtedly elevate your experience!

Watch the video ⬇️⬇️⬇️

And guess what?
The MOST unique 
part about this transformational journey...

Is that it creates change for those who are JUST getting to know ‘gut health’, and the seasoned internet googler and ‘tried everything’ gut savant. I do this program alongside you guys 3x a year, and have a new takeaway every time, and I WROTE THE PROGRAM!!!

Coming to hang out with me and our amazing 

We’ve got a 21-day, private Clean Gut Detox Instagram group that will support you every step of the way, and you’ll be part of an amazing community of like-minded, passionate health seekers — who all have direct access to me to get their most challenging and pressing questions answered!

Here is a sneak peek at what you’ll find in the
Clean Gut Detox Program

- THE CLEAN GUT DETOX GUIDE - Full of clean gut detox-friendly recipes, grocery lists and foods you can eat and avoid based on your personal bio-individuality
- EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP SITE - Learn at your own pace and dive into the program's incredible resources
- PRIVATE INSTAGRAM GROUP - Connect with our amazing like-minded community and have your questions answered directly by our team
- FASCIAL RELEASE GUIDE - Helping you to relieve tension in your body
- FULL-LENGTH WORKOUTS with Dr. Bhat, directly from our virtual studio
- PLUS… you’ll learn about the #1 thing I get asked about (spoiler alert: it’s my clean beauty routine!)
- BONUSES GALORE! Tons of other info including long-term gut optimization tips, lifestyle enhancement, detoxing toxic relationships, access to guided meditations, workouts and SO MUCH MORE!

If you’re on the fence about what to do next, do a 
gut check.

● You know you know the things.
● You know you want better results.
● You know something is missing.

Let’s get you on the right track… starting TODAY!

If you’re on the fence about what to do next, do a 
gut check.

● You know you know the things.
● You know you want better results.
● You know something is missing.

Let’s get you on the right track… starting TODAY!
Join me for the 21-day Clean Gut Detox NOW.
I want the scoop - no supplements

- This is for those that may already have a protocol with their practitioner, don’t love taking supplements, or who want all of the information, communication and community support - but without the supplements! 

- This option includes everything in the PREMIUM program, but at a ‘thank you for coming back’ exclusive discount!




(for a limited time)

– FULL 21-Day Program
– detox-friendly recipes
– grocery list guides
– detox your beauty routine action plan
– full-length signature TMB style workouts
– bio-hacks to seamlessly integrate new habits into your daily life
– daily video gems straight to your inbox
– tips and tricks for preventing, addressing and healing acute and chronic bloating
-Learn to reset digestive habits and patterns for gut optimization
-21 mini guided meditations to incorporate into your day
-Access to our private Instagram group, with direct support from our team
-TMB signature workouts and fascial release to get you moving better